Lukavac Cement Plant completes Investments of 20 Million KM for ensuring high environmental Standards

Committed to follow modern technical and technological flows which ensure high ecological standards, Lukavac Cement Plant is successfully coming to an end of the final phase of project investments, whose aim was the increase of capacities, better efficiency, higher percentage of the use of alternative fuels in the process of clinker production.

Also known as Green Cement Plant, Lukavac Cement is coming to an end of the third investment phase (2012 – 2017) whose total value was 20 million KM, and it will significantly contribute more efficient, more safe and ecologically acceptable utilization of alternative fuels in the process of production. Investments were directed on purchase of a new equipment and upgrade of the system for dosage of alternative fuels in the heated part of the line for clinker production, modernization of production and extension of dust bypass plant, as well as the instalment of the system for the reduction of nitrogen oxides, which ends the third post-privatization investment cycle.