It is known that the May is celebrated as the month of fire protection. On this occasion, a “Fire Protection Week” was organized in the Lukavac Cement including several activities with the aim of improving readiness and preparedness in such situations.

Continuous education, demonstration exercises and preventive checks of firefighting equipment were the contents that the employees of Lukavac Cement dealt with recently.

On May 22, an evacuation exercise was held for workers in the central command, mechanical and analytical laboratory. The date of the evacuation was unknown so that the employees could show their readiness and reaction in emergency situations. The time to evacuate the employees was 1 minute and 39 seconds. After the exercise, practical training on the activation of hydrants and PP apparatus was implemented.

On May 23, there was a firefighting training for production, mechanical and electrical service workers in front of the coal mill. In addition to the practical training in activating the hydrant of the coal mill, the employees also practiced practical activation, as well as the test of the foam fire extinguishing set.

A practical fire-extinguishing exercise for employees in the administrative building was held on May 24 which included presentation of the activation of the hydrant and the use of PP apparatus.

In this way, Lukavac Cement shows its concern for the safety of people, plants and the environment.