The role of Cement Industry in Waste Management Solving Problem

Lukavac Cement, the largest cement manufacturer in BiH and a pioneer in use of alternative fuels in the process of production reduces the use of fossil fuels and increases demands for better waste management in our country.

Using different kind of waste as alternative fuel in our production, we primarily save natural resources and the money for their production and our environment becomes free of waste. It is obvious that BiH has a problem with adequate waste disposal and therefore all our investments into modern devices and facilities, amounting around 20 million EUR in past 15 years, represent permanent solution for the benefit of the entire community. Utilization of waste as alternative fuel in cement industry is very complex task we have been working for several years now, following best world’s practices. Our aim is to constantly increase the share of use of alternative fuels in production, in order to utilize significant quantity of waste, thus contributing, as much as possible, to the protection of the environment”,

said Nedim Pašić, Lukavac Cement Director of Production.

Lukavac Cement Plant completes Investments of 20 Million KM for ensuring high environmental Standards

Committed to follow modern technical and technological flows which ensure high ecological standards, Lukavac Cement Plant is successfully coming to an end of the final phase of project investments, whose aim was the increase of capacities, better efficiency, higher percentage of the use of alternative fuels in the process of clinker production.

Also known as Green Cement Plant, Lukavac Cement is coming to an end of the third investment phase (2012 – 2017) whose total value was 20 million KM, and it will significantly contribute more efficient, more safe and ecologically acceptable utilization of alternative fuels in the process of production. Investments were directed on purchase of a new equipment and upgrade of the system for dosage of alternative fuels in the heated part of the line for clinker production, modernization of production and extension of dust bypass plant, as well as the instalment of the system for the reduction of nitrogen oxides, which ends the third post-privatization investment cycle.

Lukavac Cement – a Pioneer in the use of Alternative Fuels

In many developed countries cement industry plays an important role in waste management problem solution. This trend is expanding rapidly all over the world. Today, cement plants are considered to be successful if they have managed to get about 80% of their energy needs from alternative sources. Some plants in the world already foresee, or have even accomplished to replace fossil fuels with alternative fuels in the percentage of 100%. The production process itself offers unique possibility to turn unproductive waste into the final product.


Lukavac Cement, also known as a Green Cement Plant, following world’s trends, ends up its third phase of investment of total value of 20 million KM, which will significantly contribute to more efficient, safe and ecologically use of alternative fuels in the process of production. Investments are directed on purchase of a new equipment and upgrade of alternative fuel dosing system on a heating part of the line for clinker production, modernisation and expansion of the dust bypass plant and instalment of the system for the reduction of nitrous oxides.

Cement Plant Lukavac Winner ff the Award “Salt Crystal 2016”

Cement Pant Lukavac is a winner of the award “Salt Crystal 2016” as the most successful company in TK by overall turnover in 2016 – medium size company. At gala ceremony “The Best in TK Economy – Salt Crystal 2016” which took place last night in Tuzla in the organization of RTV Slon and under the sponsorship of Tuzla Canton Government, the award was received by the General Director Izet Imamović.

This is another valuable acknowledgement for Lukavac Cement Plant for all the efforts made to contribute to the development and progress of Tuzla Canton and Bosnia and Herzegovina. While thanking to organizers and expert award jury, Lukavac Cement Plant Director underlined how important it is to promote economic potential and positive trends in TK and that it is a great honour to be a part of this success story.

Lukavac Cement is branding Products of recognizable Quality

New bagged product was placed on the market – SULFALUK

After the introduction of the new brand and after the huge corporative rebranding, Lukavac Cement refreshed the image of its products by introducing a new design of already recognizable bags. With this business move successfully was annotated 15th jubilee of a solid connection, as a synonym of excellent business relations between buyer and Austrian investor who turned Lukavac Cement Plant into the positive privatization story.

Bearing in mind wide use of cement in practice, we have decided to brand total product portfolio with the aim to make a positive story behind all brands. We can proudly say that we have already named our products and packed them into more elegant and more recognizable packaging on the market. Starting from today, Lukavac Cement offers new products to our respected customers, and those are SUPRALUK, FINELUK, LUMAL as well as our new product in bags SULFALUK”,

highlighted Nihad Begić Director of Sales and Marketing of Lukavac Cement.

BiH has a great Potential for reprocessing of a Waste into alternative Fuels

Cement plant Lukavac is investing in the installation of new technologies with the aim to protect the environment. Burning of waste in the cement industry is not harmful to the environment

According to the information from the Centre for Ecology and Energy, only in Tuzla Canton area 400-500 tons of waste are produced per day, which makes about 1 kg per capita. Unless the waste management is seriously taken into account, in 36 years Tuzla Canton could be covered with waste at a high of 1 meter. Expressed in quantities, by 2020, the Canton would have a stock of 1,000,000 tons of municipal waste, out of which 60% of the total quantity would be disposed, while the rest of the waste would end up in so-called illegal dumps.

Bigesst Cement producer in BiH creates a new Brand and refreshes existing

Lukavac Cement Plant recently has successfully rebranded their business activities and decided to split existing Lukavac Cement Plant trademark into two brands, Lukavac Cement and Lukavac Concrete

Recognizable as the largest domestic manufacturer of cement, Lukavac Cement Plant also enters into the concrete production segment and therefore, as a logical consequence, emerged a need for making a new brand and rebranding existing one.

Company management is aware of how important the strength of the brand is in everyday business activities. Therefore, they have decided to start rebranding professionally and be different that many others operating in the same industry. Together with changes of visual identity, they clearly communicate their messages and position themselves as reliable partner in construction business, whose aim is sincere and long-term relation with clients.

Crowned 15 Years of cooperation of Lukavac Cement Plant and Lukavac Municipality

Lukavac Cement Plant announced new investments, continuation of production modernization and the commitment to improve the quality of life of citizens in Lukavac.

Representatives of Lukavac Cement Plant and Lukavac Municipality today marked 15 years of successful cooperation. On this occasion, members of Lukavac Cement Plant management, Izet Imamović and Stjepan Kumrić, handed a letter of commendation to the Mayor of Lukavac Municipality, Dževad Mujkić, for long standing support that Lukavac Municipality provided for all investments and other business operations conducted by Lukavac Cement Plant in the process of creation of an ecological and technologically modern plant.

Cement Plant Lukavac Invests 20 Million Km in the Optimization of Production Process

Lukavac Cement Plant has intention to invest additional 20 million KM into the optimization of production process. This will additionally improve the quality of products in accordance to high ecological demands and will also position this company as a leader in our market in the field of cement industry. Except from the improvement of production capacities, Lukavac Cement Plant implement many other projects of high social value, thus contributing to the development of Lukavac, Tuzla Canton and the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end.

Socially responsible behaviour is embedded in our business. We are proud of all activities related to the well-being of the local community and better living conditions of our fellow citizens. In previous years we renovated a park in Lukavac which is now adorned with a children’s playground, and we also renovated the city’s kindergarten hoping to make everyday life of the children more beautiful. To the Health Centre in Lukavac we donated biochemical analyser that has modernized work of this institution”,

underlined Izet Imamović, General Director of Lukavac Cement Plant.

Cement Plant Lukavac Is Rebranding Business Operations

After expanding business operations on concrete segment, Lukavac Cement Plant decided to split Lukavac Cement Plant trademark on two brands: Lukavac Cement and Lukavac Concrete

It is the proof of the continuous work on modernization and improvement of production, started by the management of the company back in 2001 through successful privatization by ASAMER Austrian Group. Recognizable as the largest domestic producer of cement, the factory enters the segment of concrete production, and as a logical sequence, the need for the construction of a new brand has been created, together with the need for rebranding the existing.

We are a synonym for cement production and by expanding business program on concrete we have decided to take the step forward on the market with two new brands, Lukavac Cement and Lukavac Concrete. In this moment concrete will be produces in our new plants in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, with intention of spreading of the network throughout the whole country in accordance to the demands of the market. We constantly listen to demands of the market, we invent and offer solutions, follow trends in the world and implement best practices, therefore we are quite certain that Lukavac Concrete will become recognizable by its quality, just as Lukavac Cement is”

said Izet Imamović, General Director of Lukavac Cement Plant.

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